Chapter�7.�Backing Up and Restoring AFS Data

Table of Contents

Summary of Instructions
Using the Backup System's Interfaces
Performing Backup Operations as the Local Superuser Root or in a Foreign Cell
Using Interactive and Regular Command Mode
To enter interactive mode
To exit interactive mode
To display pending or running jobs in interactive mode
To cancel operations in interactive mode
Starting and Stopping the Tape Coordinator Process
To start a Tape Coordinator process
To stop a Tape Coordinator process
To check the status of a Tape Coordinator process
Backing Up Data
Making Backup Operations More Efficient
How Your Configuration Choices Influence the Dump Process
Appending Dumps to an Existing Dump Set
Scheduling Dumps
To create a dump
Displaying Backup Dump Records
To display dump records
To display a volume's dump history
To scan the contents of a tape
Restoring and Recovering Data
Making Restore Operations More Efficient
Using the backup volrestore Command
To restore volumes with the backup volrestore command
Using the backup diskrestore Command
To restore a partition with the backup diskrestore command
Using the backup volsetrestore Command
To restore a group of volumes with the backup volsetrestore command
Maintaining the Backup Database
Backing Up and Restoring the Backup Database
Checking for and Repairing Corruption in the Backup Database
To verify the integrity of the Backup Database
To repair corruption in the Backup Database
Removing Obsolete Records from the Backup Database
To delete dump records from the Backup Database

The instructions in this chapter explain how to back up and restore AFS data and to administer the Backup Database. They assume that you have already configured all of the Backup System components by following the instructions in Configuring the AFS Backup System.

Summary of Instructions

This chapter explains how to perform the following tasks by using the indicated commands:

Enter interactive modebackup (interactive)
Leave interactive mode(backup) quit
List operations in interactive mode(backup) jobs
Cancel operation in interactive mode(backup) kill
Start Tape Coordinatorbutc
Stop Tape Coordinator<Ctrl-c>
Check status of Tape Coordinatorbackup status
Back up databackup dump
Display dump recordsbackup dumpinfo
Display volume's dump historybackup volinfo
Scan contents of tapebackup scantape
Restore volumebackup volrestore
Restore partitionbackup diskrestore
Restore group of volumesbackup volsetrestore
Verify integrity of Backup Databasebackup dbverify
Repair corruption in Backup Databasebackup savedb and backup restoredb
Delete dump set from Backup Databasebackup deletedump